
Global Children Welcomes Six New Students!

By October 23, 2015 No Comments


We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Global Children Cambodia has been able to enroll six new students.  Even better?  We’re supporting them and their educations for six years.

We have accepted four women and two men to complete their college educations, and they will be welcomed by our other students at the Global Children Student House (more to come on our new student house soon!)  Many of them came from orphanages, some have lost their parents, and all would not have been able to afford a college education without outside funding.


Among our newcomers are future medical, tourism, and engineering majors.  We are thrilled for them and for Global Children. Our students are currently visiting universities in Phnom Penh to decide which school is the best fit for them.

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As we continue to grow and expand, we are always first and foremost looking for ways to provide tuition and housing for more Cambodian youth.  With this in mind, we ask you to please consider donating or sharing some of our online fundraisers, especially Adriana’s Birthday Campaign and Laura’s Marathon Campaign.  We thank you for your continued support of our students and our mission.  We will continue to make a difference, an impact, and a mark — with your help.
